New Kiswah To Be Changed On 29 Dhul Hijjah (Tuesday, 18 July 2023)

Kiswah 2023 change

On Tuesday, July 18, after Isha Salah, the new Kiswah (Ghilaaf) of the Kaaba will be installed. About 200 specialized workers and officials from the King Abdulaziz Complex for the Development of the Holy Mosque will perform the ceremony.

The Kiswah is a black silk covering placed over the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest site. In the gold-plated thread, it is decorated with verses from the Quran. The Saudi government funds the new Kiswah every year.

In the Islamic calendar, the installation of the new Kiswah is an important event. The Hijri calendar, which is a lunar calendar based on Islam, marks the start of the new year. Muslims all over the world use the Hijri calendar to mark religious holidays and other important events.

A solemn ceremony is held to install the new Kiswah. Due to the Kaaba’s status as the most sacred site in Islam, it is performed with great care and reverence. Installers of the Kiswah must be Muslims who are free of any physical or spiritual impurities.

Kiswah will remain in place until next year when it will be replaced. Various charities around the world receive the old Kiswah.


For centuries, the Kiswah has been a part of Islamic tradition. According to legend, the Prophet Muhammad himself made the first Kiswah. Various people have made the Kiswah since then, including caliphs, sultans, and kings.

Al-Kiswah Factory in Mecca makes the current Kiswah. King Abdulaziz Al Saud founded the factory in 1927. About 200 workers are employed at the factory and are skilled in silk weaving.

Al Kiswah Factory

Silk is used to make the Kiswah. Gold-plated thread is woven into black silk after it has been dyed black. In the traditional Kufic script, verses from the Quran are woven into the Kiswah.

The Kiswah represents Islam and the Kaaba. Muslims all over the world are reminded of the importance of the Kaaba. Muslims come together and celebrate their faith during the installation of the new Kiswah, a significant event in the Islamic calendar.

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