Dua is a sign of gratitude to Allah SWT as well as a way of offering forgiveness and hope. Truly Allah loves His people who ask and beg for help from Him.
In essence, Duas with good intentions, will certainly be answered or granted by Allah SWT, although no one knows exactly when.
But it is better for us to know when and where Dua that we recite become mustahabb (efficacious) to be granted by the Almighty. Apart from that, as Muslims, we also need to understand how to make Dua correctly in order for it to be answered by Allah SWT.
Moments in which duas are accepted
Here are the prime times for prayers to be answered:
- On the night of Lailatul Qadr.
- At the time of Sehri.
- During the month of Ramadan.
- On the day of Arafah.
- On Jumu’ah night (the night before Friday) and the entire day of Jumu’ah (Friday).
- During the second half of the night.
- During the first third of the night and the last third of the night, and the middle of the last third of the night.
- On Fridays during the Saa’atul-Ijabah or Moment of Acceptance.
Conditions In Which Duas Are Accepted
The following are circumstances in which prayer is accepted:
- When the Azaan is in progress and the time between Azaan and Iqaamah, and when Mu’azzin says the Iqamah.
- After the Mu’azzin says Hayya Alas-salaah and Hayya Alal-Falah, especially for people who are in grief and sorrow.
- When forming ranks to prepare for Jihaad and when fighting in Jihaad at its fiercest moments.
- After completing Fardh Salaah and in Sajdah while doing Salaah (For this, ensure that only such Duas are uttered which appear in the Holy Quran and Hadith.
- After reciting and after completing the Holy Quran, both by the reciter himself or the listener.
- When drinking Zam Zam water, especially at the well of Zam Zam.
- When someone breathes his last, both by the dying person himself and the people around him. And when closing the eyelids of a dead person.
- When the cock crows.
- During gatherings with many Muslims or gatherings where Zikr is made, the Quran is recited, or religious lectures are given.
- When it rains, based on the hadith Imam Syafe’i RA quoted in his book Al-Umm.
- Imam Jazri (R.A ) mentioned two conditions when a dua will be answered: when you see the Kaabah for the first time or so on and when the prayer is made while reciting the verse: Surah An’aam.

Places Where Duas Are Accepted
- Prayers are accepted in all sacred places.
- In a letter addressed to the people of Makkah, Imam Hasan Al-Basri (R.A) listed all the names of the sacred places where prayers are sure to be answered, namely as follows:
- The Mataaf.
- The Multazam, a portion between Hajr Aswad and the door of the Kaabah.
- Under the Meezab or aqueduct of the Kaabah.
- Inside the Baitullah.
- At the well of Zam Zam.
- On Mounts of Safaa and Marwah.
- In the Mas’aa, the area where the Sa’ee is performed between the Safaa and Marwah.
- Behind Maqam-e-Ibraheem.
- At Arafah, Muzdalifah, Minaa, and at Jamarat, the place where the Shaytaan are pelted.
- In Rodhah Mubaarak of the Prophet Muhammad SAWW
- Imam Jazri (R.A) said that if duas were not answered at the blessed grave of the Prophet PBUH, then there would be no other place for duas to be accepted.
People Whose Duas Are Quickly Accepted
The following are the groups of people whose prayers are the most efficacious alias quickly accepted by Allah SWT:
- A poor and helpless person.
- An oppressed person, although he may be a non-Believer or a sinner.
- Parents’ duas for their children.
- Duas of just leader.
- Duas of a righteous person.
- Duas of children who are obedient and kind towards their parents.
- Duas of Musafir (wayfarer).
- Duas of a fasting person at the time of Iftari.
- Duas of a Muslim for another in the latter’s absence.
- Duas of any Muslim as long as it is not for oppression and severing of blood ties.
- Duas of a pilgrim from he left for Hajj until he returns home.
How To Make Dua Correctly?
Despite Allah’s promise to surely grant the Duas of every one of His servants, we as humans certainly have to be self-aware by prioritizing adab (manners) before the Almighty. Because, when we ask but not with ethics, it is clearly not justified.
As for some adaab in praying that Islamic scholars agree on, among others, paying attention to the efficacious times (Mustajab times) when making Duas, facing the Qiblah, being clean and have to make Wudu, making duas with hope, keeping your voice down and not in a hurry, and opening dua by praising Allah SWT, then read Zikr sincerely.
As for Zikr, Zaakir must pay attention to the etiquette of Zikrullah as follows:
- Zikr should be made while facing Qiblah (Kaaba). The place where Zaakir wants to make Zikr must also be clean and Taahir and free from anything that might distract him.
- Zaakir should clean his mouth thoroughly before making Zikrullah.
- Zaakir should be sincere and humble when making Zikr-Allah, and fulfills it with the qualities of khushoo and khudoo (peace and composure).
- Zaakir should not be in a hurry when doing Zikr. He must also understand the meaning of the word he utters in Zikrullah.
- Zaakir must be able to hear what he is saying in Zikr-Allah, so he must say it or utters it under his breath, even quietly, because reciting it in his mind alone does not make the Zikr valid.
- Zikr must be done in Istiqamah. Doing it for a few days and then leaving it out prove to be detrimental.
- Reading the Quran is the most excellent form of Zikr.
- Zikr is not only limited to verbal worship; physical worship, such as Salaah, is also categorized as Zikir.
- Someone who tries to practice all the Duas taught by Rasulullah SAWW, on various occasions, then he will be categorized as one of those who remember Allah abundantly.
References; Al Hisnul-e-Hasin (From page 5 till page 18)Subscribe to our channels on WhatsApp, Google News, Facebook and Instagram.