One feels totally helpless when they see their salary stuck at the same point for many years or people who’d start the business but it never work out as planned.
This dua will help you deal with your bad-tempered boss, or if you’re facing low salary too despite the hard work and extra hours you’re putting in. This dua will help you deal with your business issues you’re facing because many people start the business but it never earns them revenue as they planned it would.
Some people say that they have been reciting different wazaif (Duas) but never seem to work in their case which leads to further disappointment. But, whatever Allah has chosen for you, will happen no matter what so we have to be steadfast and not to hurry and wait for Allah’s commandment to come true, meanwhile, we can just make dua to him to ease the pain.
A human is usually troubled in worldly matters. But a woman can give their husbands or sons the hope to not to lose hope despite facing such crises.
Recite this dua for Business issues or for your Salary Increment