Hussain Ibn Ali (RA) was one of the greatest leaders of his time, his sacrifice proved that no matter what happens one should not leave HOPE ON ALLAH.
Here are the 20 Facts about him;
1. Hussain Ibn Ali (RA) was Ali Ibn Abi Talib (R.A) and Fatimah (R.A)’s Younger son.
2. He was born on 3 Sha’aban (A.H 4) in Medinah, the city of Saudi Arabia.
3. He was the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadija (R.A).

4. Hassan (R.A) and Hussain (R.A) are the masters of youth in Paradise (Jannah).
5. After the Death of Hassan (R.A) [Elder brother of Hussain and Elder son of Ali], Hussain (R.A) kept the peace as per treaty between Hassan (R.A) and Muawiyah.
6. Hussain (R.A) never accepted Yazid, as the successor after the death of Muawiyah. The reason behind not accepting Yazid as a caliph was Umayyads were oppressive and religiously extremist and misguided people.
7. People of Kufa sent letters to him asking for his Help. (Which was a plan to invite him and martyr him)
8. Hussain (R.A) did not take any kind of army with him to Karbala.
9. On his way to Karbala, he encountered with the Army of Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad. Who Hussain (R.A) commanded that people of Kufa invited him as the people needed an Imam.
10. And two days away from Kufa, Hussain (R.A) along with his family the people of Kufa opposed his claims. At a point near Euphrates river, Hussain (R.A) and his family stopped bu Yazid’s army and restricted their reach to get the water.