Searching for a job can be super stressful as it helps us in fulfilling our needs. We at The Islamic Information decided to get you Dua for job quickly.
Not having a job can be a nightmare, and at this time, when jobs are very few in the market, the number of candidates is doubling day by day, making it tough for people to land a job.
You may find many duas for job on the internet, but most of them aren’t verified or cited from a verified source. We took out a dua for getting job from the Quran and a wazifa which you can recite.
Here is the dua for job that you should recite
![Best Dua for Job with Success, Perfect Dua for Getting Job 6 Dua For Job](
This dua is mentioned in Quran as prayed by Musa (AS) when he had nowhere to go from Firoun. Musa (AS) was tired, hungry, and impoverished. Musa (AS) raised his hands towards the sky and prayed this dua.
Immediately after making this dua, Allah gave Musa (AS) amenities that were enough for Musa (AS) to spend the next ten years of his life. He also gave him a wife to start a family.
We also talked about Dua for marriage recently, but this dua is essential for Muslims to get a job soon as this dua fulfills all the other unseen needs for us.
There is another wazifa for getting a job, which is “Ya Wahabo.”
Meaning of Ya Wahabo
The meaning of Ya Wahabo is “The Giver.”
How many times should I recite it?
As we have mentioned one dua and one wazifa, you can recite it as many times you want, even if you’re reciting it once a day, then it should be fine too, but one should recite both of them with all their heart.
We would suggest reciting this dua once after every salah.
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