5 Lessons To Learn From Musa (AS)’s Escaping From Pharoah

5 Lessons To Learn From Musa (AS)'s Escaping From Pharoah

Musa (AS), also known as Moses, was the prophet of Islam. Musa (AS) saved Muslims from the Pharaoh and his cruelty, and we have to learn these lessons from him.

1. Never lose hope in God

A number of his followers began to lose hope and started exclaiming:

Surah Ash-Shuarah

We, too, must never lose hope in God; though we may be in situations where we may think that there’s no way out, let’s keep in mind that the help of God is always near. If God can part the sea to help Musa and his individuals, He too can take away our difficulties and obstacles. What’s needed is that we’ve complete reliance on God and have hope in Him.

2. Do your part

Musa (peace be upon him) did not lie idle expecting a miracle. This life is one of cause and effect, and miracles can happen however our responsibility is to do everything we can in our capacity then leave it to God.

3. Change now

When Pharaoh and his army were immersed in the ocean and that they began drowning in it, Pharaoh cried out:

Surah yunus verse 90

The mercy of God is vast, and each day His doors of repentance are open to us. All we’ve to do is ask and have a firm resolve to change, and our Lord, the Most Merciful, will erase our sins as if they never happened!

4. Flee from sins

When the children of Israel were being persecuted, and they could no longer freely follow their religion, God educated Musa (peace be upon him) to flee with them to a different land.

If we’re ‘friends’ who we’ve tried to ask for good, however, we find that instead, they’re pulling us towards the wrong path, we should disassociate with them if such a relationship takes us away from the right direction.

5. Miracles can happen

As believers, we believe that everything happens only by the will of God, and though something may seem like a coincidental string of events, we think that it was all planned by God.

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