Why Black Stone Is Being Protected By 24 Guards?

Black Stone is never left unattended and you must have seen that every guard coming and going to protect the stone.
24 Guards Assigned To Protect Black Stone Day And Night

Black Stone is one of the things which holds very high importance in the religion of Islam, it is located at the eastern corner of the Holy Kaaba, and it is always guarded by security guards.

This is to add to your knowledge that it was once got stolen and then later discovered. Since then, the Saudi government has put some security personnel to protect it because it’s a stone from heaven.

Black Stone is also known as the Hajr e Aswad.

So this is one of the most interesting things that the Saudi government has assigned 24 security guards and they come each day and night in all-around 24 hours to protect the black stone.

Whenever a single guard comes to protect Stone. His duty also includes actively looking at what’s happening in the surroundings for an hour. Moreover, the duty of these guards includes, if a pilgrim or a visitor faints because of excessive heat or something else so they are there to rescue them.

black stone hajr e aswad

These guards protecting the black stone has been assigned a different kind of tasks, these guards maintain the safety of visitors as well as teach them the right way of kissing Hajr e Aswad, these guards are also responsible for maintaining the line of visitors who are willing to kiss the stone, and this is being said by Grand Mosque police spokesman Major Sameh Al-Sulami.

Very few of us know that they have assigned the 24 guards near black stone and if you like this post so kindly spread it with your friends and family and let them know about this important and interesting information that you find on our website.

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