US-Pakistani Anila Ali Says Muslim Stands With Israel Angers Muslims

Muslims all around the world are angry after US-based Pakistani politician Anila Ali spoke at a pro-Israeli rally.
Alina Ali
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WASHINGTON – While speaking at a pro-Israel rally, Anila Ali says that she and her fellow Muslims stand with Israel, as Muslims and Jews are friends.

Despite the fact that Israeli bombings on hospitals, schools, and homes have caused more than 12,000 casualties and countless wounded, Recently, an Israeli raid on Al-Shifa Hospital caused the deaths of premature babies.

In the place where Anila Ali was speaking, the Israeli flags can be seen.

Muslims from Pakistan are requesting the authorities cancel her citizenship and freeze her accounts.

Muslims all around the world are also angry that Anila Ali ended up taking sides with the country that is currently bombing the children.

Anila Ali has also previously met with the president of Israel. She was part of the US-Pakistani delegation that went to Israel for a visit.

Anila Ali with Isaac Herzog president of Israel
Anila Ali with Isaac Herzog, president of Israel. Image Credit: Alina Ali

After her visit, Pakistani authorities checked everything, as one cannot travel to Israel on a Pakistani passport. Apparently, she holds an American passport, which allowed her to travel to Israel.

She was also seen meeting with Pakistani politicians.

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