Hindutva mobs vandalize mosques and Muslim homes in India in response to last week’s attack

Hindutva mobs vandalize mosques and Muslim homes in India in response to last weeks attack

Within the past week, at least 15 mosques and dozens of Muslim homes and businesses in the Indian state of Tripura have been attacked by Hindutva mobs.

The violence started after a rally was called by the Hindutva militant organization Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and other Hindutva groups like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bajrang Dal, which is allegedly in response to attacks against the Hindus community in Bangladesh last week.

As shown in several photos and videos on social media, wearing saffron cloths, the Hindutva mobs that armed with swords called for violence in the area by chanting anti-Muslim slogans.

Several Muslim residents that frightened then forced to flee from their houses.

The vandalism and desecration of mosques occurred in several areas such as Krishnanagar, Dharmanagar, Panisagar, Chandrapur, and the Maharani area Gomathi district.

Police have also confirmed that the homes and mosques targeted in the attacks belonged to the minority communities, and cases have been filed.

The authorities quickly stepped up security in the area and imposed section 144 to prohibit unlawful assembly. More than 4 people are prohibited from gathering in one place. However, this does not seem to have stopped the Hindutva mobs from carrying out violence and open attacks against Muslims.

Police also received several reports of sexual violence. A Bengali-language complaint wrote that at 3 pm on 26 November 2021, a demonstration took place in Panisagar organized by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad. The masses walked through the Assam-Agartala Road to Chamtila via Roa Bazar. Some miscreant groups from the rally vandalized and burned shops.

They raided and ransacked the houses of residents living near the market (Roa Bazar). They sexually molested women. And also planned to attack the Roa Jame Mosque. Many minority families are terrified of this grave situation. The complaint was closed by requesting that the miscreants be dealt with necessary action under the Indian Penal Code.

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