Umrah Pilgrims can only perform Umrah once in the holy month of Ramadan.
Saudi Arabia witnesses an increase in the number of pilgrims in the holy month of Ramadan 2024. To manage the high number of Umrah pilgrims in Saudi Arabia announcements regarding Umrah regulations have been made by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.
As per the announcement, an individual can only perform Umrah at the holy site once. No one is allowed to perform Umrah more than once in the holy month of Ramadan. However, the Grand Mosque will remain open for individuals to participate in prayers.
The purpose of this regulation is to deal with the problem of overcrowding and to ensure fairness in offering Umrah to all worshipers in this auspicious month. The reason for this restriction is the need to effectively manage large crowds and provide an opportunity for a larger number of worshipers to participate in Umrah.
To comply with this regulation, the Saudi Arabian government used its electronic platform Nusuk for Umrah procedures, which notifies people trying to get permission for multiple Umrah with a clear message indicating the prohibition.
During Ramadan, Muslims inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gather for Umrah and the Grand mosque for prayers, creating a significant flow of visitors. In anticipation of this increase, the Saudi authorities have implemented several measures to ensure a smooth and comfortable pilgrimage experience for all.
Certain areas of the mosque premises, such as the circulation courtyard and the first floor, have been specially designated for Umrah pilgrims. In addition, certain mosque gates are reserved for the entry and exit of pilgrims to avoid overcrowding and ensure efficient crowding.
In recent months, Saudi Arabia has introduced various amenities to facilitate Umrah for Muslims. Pilgrims can now visit the tomb of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him and visit Al Rawda Al Sharifa if they have personal, visitor, and tourist visas after making an electronic appointment.
The validity period of the visa for Umrah has also been extended from 30 to 90 days to provide Pilgrims with more flexibility. This extension gives pilgrims a more generous schedule to begin their spiritual journey and fulfill their religious obligations.
The regulations for the Umrah season during Ramadan highlight the commitment of the Saudi government to the comfort and safety of the pilgrims which has previously been promised.
Saudi Arabia continues to outperform their role as the custodians of the Holy sites. With improved facilities and effective crowd control, the kingdom welcomes Muslims from around the world.