How To Take Riaz Ul Jannah Appointment For Praying

riaz ul jannah

The Saudi government has made it mandatory to take Riaz ul Jannah appointment if you want to pray in the noble rawdah in Masjid an Nabawi.

A number of pilgrims are getting confused about how to get this appointment and when we should take the appointment.

Today, we at The Islamic Information, decided to address the issue by telling our readers the best way to get the appointment.


  • For Men: From 2:30 AM to Fajr and 11:30 AM to Isha.
  • For Women: Esha prayer to 11:30 PM and then from Fajr.

NOTE: Make sure you take the appointment a day prior to your arrival in Madinah.

Riaz Ul Jannah Appointment (Step-by-Step Guide)


Follow these steps to get your Riaz ul Jannah appointment easily.

Total Time: 1 hour

  1. Download Nusuk App on your mobile

    If you use iPhone, you can download it here. And if you own an Android, you can get the app here.

  2. Choose your language

    nusuk chose language

    You will be prompted to choose a language after you give it location access.

  3. Tap on “New User”

    nusuk app login

    If you already made an account, you can log in with your credentials, if you’re doing it for the first time, go ahead with the New User option.

  4. Chose your status; Citizen, Gulf or Visitor

    type of user

    Chose a citizen if you’re a resident of Saudi Arabia. Gulf if you belong to any gulf country and choose Visitor if you’re just visiting the country for the purpose of Umrah.

  5. Add your details


    Make sure you add all your details carefully and double-check everything before you submit the information. One mistake can make things difficult.

  6. Chose your praying slot

    chosign slot

    Make sure you chose a slot that is less crowded.

  7. Get the Permit

    nobel rawdah permit

    Take a screenshot as well as keep the app. Do not uninstall the app until you pray at the noble rawdah.

  8. Show the permit to the person in charge

    Arrive 30 mins prior to your appointment at Masjid an Nabawi.

Some things to know after your appointment:

  • Arrive 30 mins prior to your appointment. If your appointment is for 2 pm, make sure you arrive by 1:30 pm.
  • Try not to carry anything such as heavy baggage or anything.
  • Do not forget to bring a small shopping bag to carry your slippers.
  • Do not try to push anyone to get the first slot, be humble and kind.

What is the stay time in Riaz ul Jannah?

A pilgrim can stay for 20 to 30 mins inside.

Can someone pray twice in Riaz ul Jannah?

No, a person is only allowed once in 30 days to pray in Riaz ul Jannah. If you’ve prayed there, then you will have to wait for 30 days to pray again.

Are women allowed in Riaz ul Jannah?

Yes, women are allowed into Riaz ul Jannah.

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