Turkish Author Iskender Pala’s Daughter-in-Law Converts to Islam

The event symbolized a harmonious blending of cultures and faiths, celebrating Saito’s spiritual milestone while reflecting the warmth and inclusivity of the Islamic tradition.
Rena Saito
Photo by AA

Famed Turkish author, poet, and academic Iskender Pala witnessed a significant moment as his Japanese daughter-in-law, Rena Saito, embraced Islam in a heartfelt conversion ceremony held at the Istanbul Mufti’s Office.

The ceremony, officiated by Provincial Mufti Safi Arpaguş, marked Saito’s formal acceptance of Islam. During the event, Saito, who is married to Alperen Ahmed Pala (Iskender Pala’s son), recited the Shahada (Islamic declaration of faith), officially becoming a Muslim.

Mufti Arpaguş congratulated Saito and provided her with insights into the fundamental beliefs, practices, and ethics of Islam. He emphasized that her decision marked the beginning of a new and pure chapter in her life and wished her peace and fulfillment on her spiritual journey.

Following the conversion, a religious wedding ceremony was conducted, with both Iskender Pala and his son Alperen in attendance. The ceremony concluded with prayers and the presentation of special gifts to Saito, including a Japanese translation of the Quran and other Islamic literature in Japanese, published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs.

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