Islam Becomes The Fastest-Growing Religion in Japan

Islam Becomes The Fastest Growing Religion in Japan
Nichi Bei

In the East Asian country, Japan, almost 110,000 to 230,000 Muslim worshippers seem to accept Islam, becoming a new norm.

The rate of Muslims in Japan is rapidly increasing over the past ten years. The number is more than double as per the data revealed by Tanada Hirofumi of Waseda University.

The statistics of 2010 show the number of Muslim worshippers in Japan reaching 110,000. Still, during the end of 2020, it reached near 330,000, adding as many as 50,000 conversions of Japanese people.

Furthermore, to facilitate Muslim worshippers in the country, there are 110 mosques.

A professor at APU and head of the Beppu Muslim Association, Muhammad Tahir Abbas Khan, said that the increase in mosques is a welcome move for Muslims worldwide by BMA.

The population of Muslims has been increasing rapidly globally. It has reached approximately 2.9 billion, which makes up 26% of the world population by 2050.

During the bubble economy, Japan, a Muslim minority country, experienced rapid growth in the Muslim population’s increase. There are currently 120,000 estimated overseas Muslims and 10,000 Japanese Muslims living in Japan.

In Japan, most Muslims live in three metropolitan areas like Greater Tokyo Area, Chukyp Metropolitan Area, and the Kinki Region. The network of Muslims has never ceased expanding in the whole of Japan.

There has been an increase in the number of mosques built since the start of the 1990s across the Japanese archipelago from Okinawa prefecture to Hokkaido prefecture.

Most Japanese are unaware of it, but there are approximately more than 90 mosques throughout Japan. In recent years, there are many movements and initiatives aimed towards promoting and understanding Islam and Muslims. Most of the mosques are accepting mosque tours and organizing events for the Japanese to participate.

Islam is also ranked as one of the fastest growing religion in the world as well.

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