Indian Social Media Accounts Are Celebrating New Zealand Terror Attack

Indian Facebook Accounts Celebrates New Zealand Terror Attack
Photo: Facebook

As the world, Muslims, Jews, and Christians are mourning the New Zealand Terror attack, on the other hand, these Indian accounts are celebrating it.

At least 50 people have been reported dead, which includes Children as young as 3 years old to the women, were killed by a terrorist attack on the Al Noor and Linwood mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, Making it the worst mass shooting ever in the history of humanity.

The terrorist, 28 years old Australian born Brenton Harrison Tarrant live streamed this attack live on Facebook for at least 17 minutes. In which he showed killing off a number of people while broadcasting it live.

India’s right-wing Anti Muslim hate mongers have been celebrating this terrorist attack all over social media by calling the whole incident as a “well-deserved lesson” and have been openly praising the attacker as a “brave men” as the Indian forces are sitting idle on this and are not taking any action on this.

indian anti muslim comments

Another account on Twitter said “tit for tat”

Twitter and Facebook were filled with all Anti-Muslim and Anti-Islam comments against Muslims, with many Indians claiming terrorist as a “Hero” for gunning Muslims.

indian anti muslim comments 1
Photo: Facebook
indian comments on new zealand terror attack (1)
Photo: Facebook
indian comments on new zealand terror attack (2)
This comment translates “We have shown Muslims who they really are, we will take the guns, and wipe out Muslims from all around the world, i am a proud son of India, Jai Hind”

A great rise in hate speech and attack on Muslims is being spread in India, that is triggered by the Indian’s Anti-Muslim political leadership who also warned Muslims that Hindus will soon attack the Kaaba and supported Fraser, an Australian senator who blamed Muslims for this attack.

Even after passing many days, Indian Prime Minister has not been condemned this brutal attack on twitter.

In India, Muslims are instantly linked with terrorism without having any proof, and this new row of hate speech over social media accounts will further become a burden on Muslim minority suffering in India.

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