‘Hello Brother’ Last Words Of The First Victim Of New Zealand Christchurch Terrorist Attack

'Hello Brother' Last Words Of The First Victim Of New Zealand Christchurch Terrorist Attack

Hello Brother, Welcome was the last words of the first victim who was brutally shot down by a Terrorist, Brenton Tarrant as he enters and kills 50 people.

The first victim had greeted the person who the entire world now knows as a dangerous terrorist. The first victim said, “Hello Brother, Welcome” as a white supremacist terrorist shots him in the head and left him there dead for about 17 minutes killing more than 50 innocent people in Al Noor Mosque.

The words “Hello Brother, Welcome” could be heard from the live stream this terrorist was doing on his Facebook account where he believes to keep posting hate stuff about Muslims and his plan to attack Muslims, which Facebook never took care of neither the people in his account reported it.

A tweet defines each and everything about Daoud Nabi who was the person said the words “Hello Brother” and now he is the hero of the Muslim world because he showed the world what real Islam looks like.

The situation in New Zealand is still critical, and the authorities have started digging the graves of 50 victims who died in a terrorist attack at Christchurch.

This is also reported that the Terrorist Brenton Tarrant is a Trump supporter, and as
Brenton Tarrant appeared today in court he made a sign of white supremacy which is reported on Metro UK.

Many people have condemned this terrorist attack on Mosques in New Zealand, and calling it the side effects of Islamophobia which Western Media and campaigners have been spreading for so long.

New Zealand police had arrested three men and one woman, one of those men was Brenton Tarrant who live streamed the whole scene on facebook at Al Noor Mosque, while the rest of his colleagues did shooting at Linwood Mosque.

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