Is Marriage in Muharram Month Allowed in Islam or Not?

It is allowed in Islam.
Marriage in Muharram

It is the month of Muharram and we were getting a lot of questions about Marriage in Muharram, asking whether it is allowed or not.

Is It Permissible To Get Married In Muharram?

Marrying in Muharram is allowed.

You can have your marriage in Muharram. Nor Allah and neither Prophet Muhammad PBUH has been mentioned in either in Hadiths or Quran. Or we do not find anything that prohibits marrying during this month.

But some scholars call it not good (ethically) as in this month Battle of Karbala took place which ended up in the martyrdom of the Family of Prophet Muhammad PBUH on the Day of Ashura.


It is reported by Ibn Abbas and in other various Hadiths that Prophet Muhammad PBUH knew about this day, that the day of the 10th Muharram would come that will end in the martyrdom of Hussain Ibn Ali (RA).

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The incident of Karbala is considered one of the saddest incidents in the history of Islam. The youngest one to die in Karbala was the six-month-old son of Hussain Ibn Ali (RA).

Bottom Line

Now imagine, this month, the family of Prophet Muhammad PBUH was brutally martyred in the desert of Karbala, who we love more than our parents, siblings, or any family member. To respect that, we must think about it at least once.

You can marry in Safar, even in Muharram as well. But for the sake of Muharram events, it is advised to move your events to Safar or any other Islamic month.

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