Is Wagamama Halal? Can Muslims Eat It? 2024

Is Wagamama Halal

The following is an explanation of the halal status of the menus available at Wagamama for Muslims.

Is Wagamama Halal or Haram?

Wagamama is Haram.

The official Twitter account of Wagamama’s UK branch, which serves a variety of Japanese specialties, confirmed that they are not halal restaurant. Although it provides a vegan menu, some Wagamama menus are known to be equipped with sauces that contain alcohol.


Is It Safe For Muslims To Eat?

It is not safe for Muslims to buy and consume the menus provided by Wagamama with the consideration that until now Wagamama restaurant branches have not yet received the halal status for the menus they provide.

Ending Note

Although Wagamama said via Twitter that buyers can specifically ask the restaurant to provide a menu that is completely halal in terms of components such as firecracker tofu and no duck donburi, it is not certain that their processing meets halal standards. It is better for you to try another halal-certified restaurant than to take the risk.

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