Taraweeh prayers hold a special place during Ramadan as extra night prayers performed after the Isha prayer. Many wonder about the rules regarding these prayers, especially for women.
The simple answer is that Taraweeh prayers are not obligatory for women. It is generally recommended that they perform their night prayers at home. However, this does not stop a woman from going to the mosque if she wishes.
Are Taraweeh Prayers Obligatory for Women?
No, Taraweeh prayers are not compulsory.
Taraweeh prayers are Sunnah (recommended) for both men and women, but they are not obligatory.
Women are encouraged to perform their night prayers at home, as it offers greater privacy and spiritual focus. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
“A woman’s prayer in her house is better than her prayer in her courtyard, and her prayer in her bedroom is better than her prayer in her house.” (Abu Dawud, Sahih al-Jami’, no. 3833).
- The Prophet’s advice to Umm Humayd: “Praying in your house is better for you than praying in the mosque.” (Imam Ahmad)
- “Do not prevent your women from going to the mosque if they ask your permission.” (Muslim, 667)
- Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz confirmed that the preference for home prayer applies to all prayers, including Taraweeh.
Bottom Line
Women are not required to perform Taraweeh prayers in the same way men are. Many scholars agree that while men are encouraged to pray Taraweeh in the mosque, women are better off praying at home.
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