Saudi Arabia Demolishing Islamic Landmarks, Video Claims

Saudi Arabia Demolishing Islamic Landmarks

Saudi Arabia is demolishing Islamic Landmarks, and this new video claims serious points that will shock your soul up—claiming some severe facts.

We had seen and heard the people complaining that Saudi Arabia is destroying the Islamic landmarks to make way for new outlets to do business, one of the essential things which went highlighted when the Paris Hilton was opened near the Holy Kaaba, which got highly criticized by the Muslims around the world.

Having Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 focuses on modernizing Saudi Arabia, including DJ parties in Saudi Arabia and cinemas opening, which is nothing but a big surprise.

Highlighting the essential facts, a Channel on YouTube, “The Vigilant One”, uploaded a video having serious claims that Saudi Government is actively demolishing important Islamic landmarks to expand Masjid Al Haram and to introduce new businesses.

Saudi Arabia Demolishing Islamic Landmarks ? Watch This!

If the Saudi Arabian government continues to do this act of destroying every Islamic Landmark to expand masjid al-Haram, then one day there will be no Islamic Landmarks left. The other way of dealing with this thing could also be preserving it while developing the mosque too.

Destroying things just for the sake of expanding the mosque is not the solution. They could have made it a museum so people could see the REAL stuff where most of the Islamic personalities had lived.

But we hope that Saudi Arabia stops demolishing all the Islamic Landmarks and instead make it a museum so people coming from all around the world can look into the lives of the most significant Islamic figures who lived on this land.

Let us know in the comment box below what you think about this video. Indeed this must have come as a shock to you, but it is the bitter truth.

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