Masjid al-Haram’s Itikaf 2024 Slots Increased

The spots for Itikaf in the Grand Mosque have been increased from 3,000 to 6,000.
itkaaf in masjid al haram 2024
Photo: AbdurRahman299

I’tikaf spots in the Grand Mosque increased.

The number of pilgrims in Saudi Arabia increases during Ramadan. Thus preparations are made beforehand to welcome them.

In the last ten days of Ramadan, Muslims perform I’tikaf. Itikaf brings a Muslim closer to Allah.

This year the Grand Mosque has increased the I’tikaf quota for the worshippers.

As per Abdulmohsen Al Ghamdi, for I’tikaf 2024 the following preparations have been made:

  • Three floors are set aside at the Grand mosque.
  • The number of worshippers has doubled this year. Last year the number was 3,000 which has increased to 6,000 this year.
  • Registrations for I’tikaf have started beforehand (from 17th March 2024).
  • For a smooth process, registration can be done online via a state agency.

As per the General Authority for Care of the Two Holy Mosques, the spots are filling up fast. Thus if an individual intends to perform I’tikaf this year, they must immediately register themselves.


Moreover, a few conditions to register for I’tikaf have been stated as well. Those include:

  • Individuals above 18 can sit for I’tikaf.
  • One must start the I’tikaf from Ramadan 20th and not before that.

The last ten days of Ramadan are of great importance for Muslims worldwide. The blessed night of Laylatul Qadar falls in those days.

Laylatul Qadar is considered to be better than a thousand months of worship. Though the exact date of this night is not known it is widely believed that this blessed night can occur on odd-numbered nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

Thus muslims choose to perform Itikaf to make the most out of those blessed days. I’tikaf also provides an individual with a chance to get closer to Allah.

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