Jacinda Ardern Showcased Memorial at Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch

Memorial at Al Noor Mosque 1

Memorial at Al Noor Mosque for the victims of the Christchurch terror attack, Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister, revealed a memorial plaque.

Al Noor Mosque Memorial 2
Al Noor Mosque Memorial 1

She stated the plaque on Deans Ave within Masjid Al-Noor grounds, being surrounded by the locals of the Muslim community, on Thursday with regards to the killing of 42 people in the atrocity last year. On the same day, 7 more people were killed at the Islamic Centre of Linwood.

Al Noor Mosque Memorial 3
Christchurch Mosque Memorial 1

She also stated this day as the blackest one in the entire history of the country, as it left a scar on the human hearts irrespective of their beliefs.

Christchurch Mosque Memorial 2
Memorial at Al Noor Mosque 3

This scar was to be healed in the previous month when the terrorist of the Linwood and the Dean Ave Mosques were sentenced for the whole life without parole after being confirmed as guilty to 40 charges of attempting murder and killing 51 people.

This plaque is just a few meters away from a dozen pebbles and flowers holding up the message of notes of support and Aroha which themselves become a longlasting tribute to the incident.

Al Noor Mosque 2

This unveiling was the wish of Gamal Fouda, the imam of the mosque, who made an eloquent speech concerning the strength of the Muslim community, with the gap of a few weeks tot attack. On unveiling, he spoke outside the mosque and shared that the terrorist attack became fo everyone “the toughest time of their lives”.

Imam further added that this incident gave the title of “the mother of peace in the world” to the nation.

Christchurch Mosque 3

In the last month, after the sentencing of the gunman, he said that he thinks a memorial should be followed for the martyrs and to note down this tragic incident for the coming generations who are not present for witnessing. It is essential for knowledge and learning of the upcoming generation.

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