Israelis Mock Palestinians on TikTok For Not Having Food, Water, or Electricity

Videos featuring Israeli citizens dressing up as Palestinians and using makeup to mimic injuries while making fun of Palestinian deaths are highly concerning.
isrealis mocking palestines
Image Credit: Video Grab

Israeli occupiers have been taking part in a TikTok trend where they are dressing up like Palestinians and mocking them for not having any water, electricity, or gas.

In the recent turn of events and the tension between Israel and Hamas, Israeli TikTok users have started posting highly insensitive videos on social media that showcase a lack of empathy towards the affected Palestinians. These videos feature Israeli citizens mocking the lives of Palestinians during the devastating attacks and targeting the scarcity of water, gas, and electricity in the area.

As Gaza continues to suffer from water scarcity as Israeli soldiers cut off the necessities supplies to the city, Israeli citizens posted a video filling up water containers while pointing toward Palestinians.

Another video shows an individual turning the light on and off while mocking the Palestinians, who are experiencing a complete blackout due to the electricity supply being cut off.

It is alarming to note that even children are involved in these hateful videos and are being exposed to insensitivity at a young age. Furthermore, a few videos feature individuals dressing up in Palestinian attire and using makeup to mimic injuries.

The video continued as individuals were noticed sprinkling powder to simulate dust and debris. Some TikTok users have gone to the extent of carrying dolls to mock the tragic deaths of children in Gaza.

It is crucial to note that the Israeli-Hamas conflict is a highly sensitive issue and calls for an urgent, peaceful resolution. However, videos with highly insensitive content can only stimulate tensions and complicate the matter.

Baseless claims of Palestinian mothers faking deaths by Israeli citizens and the distressing video of Israeli Tik Tokers celebrating the brutal attacks and poor conditions of Gazans are not only concerning but regrettable.

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