Muslim Teen Stabbed To Death On Way Home From Mosque in Dublin

Muslim Teen Stabbed To Death On Way Home From Mosque

A Muslim teen stabbed 5 times as he was on his way home from the local mosque in Dublin, Ireland. Azzam Raguragui was brutally murdered on the streets of Dublin.

Unfair decision

Azzam Raguragui was murdered back in 2019, and his killer was caught, but the verdict that came in 2020 has called the killer NOT GUILTY!

The victim’s father Abdul has said back in 2019 the death of our son 18-years-old was big torture and this unfair verdict is another torture to see the killer of our son see free like that.

The mother of Azzam Raguragui says “Goodbye” to her son for the last time

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Azzam was murdered in Finsbury Park in Dundrum, Dublin on 10th May 2019 and the decision came out a week ago which let his killer walk away freely.

17-year-old killer, who is a minor pleaded guilty to manslaughter but his plea was rejected by DPP.

They killed me twice.

Azzam’s mother.

During the trial, the killer accepted that he always had a knife where he stabbed Azzam in Finsbury Park. But during his statement, he completely changes the entire story saying he never had a knife to prove himself innocent.

His friends decribed Azzam a cheerful person, who loved to play football for Dundrum FC. His friends described him as helpful and loving.

This is a developing story….

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