Indian Policeman Request Muslims To Pray To Allah To End Covid-19

Indian Policeman Request Muslims To Pray To Allah To End Covid 19

Around 332,730 New cases of coronavirus were reported on Friday in India, which has set a new world record. Within just 24 hours, almost 2,263 deaths were recorded. An Indian Police officer requested all Muslims to pray due to the increasing deaths to ward off the deadly disease.

India’s healthcare system is currently dealing with a huge surge in coronavirus cases due to high pressure on hospital beds and fewer oxygen supplies. Some patients were left untreated while other families begged for their severely sick relatives. Meanwhile, crematoriums are organizing mass funeral pyres.

On Friday, a video went viral on a Mumbai police officer who was announcing on loudspeaker on social networking sites. The police officer congratulated the Muslims for the arrival of the Holy month, and he also requested them to pray for the end of this deadly pandemic.

The police officer requested the Muslims to pray for the end of the pandemic because the officer said that the prayers made in Taraweeh are quickly accepted and heard.

Some heart aching scenes were recorded by the Indian media. It showed that the patients of covid were having difficulty breathing, and they were outside hospitals waiting for their treatment. Some died outside the hospital without even treated, while others died at the stretchers inside the hospital.

On Friday, 50 ambulances and service staff were sent to India by the Edhi Foundation to manage coronavirus in India, which is getting worse after each day passes.

There was no response from the government of India. Still, Edhi’s offer to help sought Modi’s help to gain permission to enter India’s entrance and coordinate with local authorities. It is still not clear yet whether the proposal would carry weight. Travelers were banned from India this week so that the corona infection will not spread.

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