Meeting Coronavirus Infected People ‘Haram’, Says Grand Mufti

Meeting Coronavirus Infected People Haram Grand Mufti

Meeting coronavirus infected people is declared ‘Haram’ (prohibited) by the Grand Mufti, as meeting victims can spread the pandemic.

MAKKAH: The chairman of the council of senior scholars, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, and the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia stated that it is not acceptable for coronavirus patients to mix with normal people. He called upon all the people living in the kingdom to strictly take precautionary measures to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

The Grand Mufti assigned a high rate of people dealing with the coronavirus in several countries because they neglected to follow the precautionary measures. He further said that health is one of the best blessings, so all People must preserve their health by taking precautionary measures and not committing any action that afflicts or harms them and spreads the disease.

He pointed out that cleanliness is half of the faith in Islam, and Islam has put in place preventive and protects a person from getting ill. Islam also highlights the aspect of preventing diseases before they further spread Towards other human beings.

The government had made great efforts the spread the pandemic and adhere to all the precautionary measures, including maintaining distance, wearing masks, gathering a large number of people, and many other precautionary measures but were taken to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus as said by Al-Sheikh.

The grand mufti warned people because many people did not take precautionary measures, which led to a further increase in daily cases due to which heavy pressure was caused in the whole kingdom. Other problems and crises were also caused for people in public.

He told the People to maintain distances from each other, especially where people are in larger amounts, and wear a mask while getting out.

He further said to those who came from the outside kingdom and were in their quarantine period that those infected with coronavirus who are in touch with them both should be isolated. Because it will not be acceptable for these people to mix out with others, even if someone is doing this, then he is definitely sinning because it can harm others. They can also die because of the disease.

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