Entire Government of Lebanon Including PM Resigned Over Beirut Blast

Entire Government of Lebanon Resigned After Beirut Blast

The entire Government of Lebanon has resigned over the Beirut explosion that killed over 160 people and injuring more than 6,000.

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Hassan Diab also resigned!

In a statement, Hassan Diab has said that he has taken a step back so he can stand with the people of Beirut to bring the change.

The protests have been sparks all around Lebanon that demanded political change in the country. PM further blamed the policial class and labeled them as corrupt who have ruled the country for last 30 years.

The entire Government of Lebanon Resigned!

PM Hassan Diab also told in the Press Conference that he demands to hold acocuntable who are behind this blast.

A number of Ministers and PM have resigned except the president of Lebanon, Michel Aoun. But the president is under pressure to resign soon.

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