
Indian Actor Anupam Kher Claims Muslim Genocide is Kashmir Solution

As India is gearing up for the biggest Muslim genocide in Kashmir as the Indian government has revoked article 370 which granted a special status to the Muslims living in Kashmir. And sent 25,000 troops in the area but the statement made by a senior Indian actor, Anupam Kher has stunned people.

Syed Ali Geelani, a Famous Hurriyat leader on Saturday urged Muslims of the world to help Muslims in Kashmir by using worlds like “Save Our Souls” and the “Biggest Genocide”

But right after his tweet went viral, Indian authorities suspended his Twitter account.

As the situation in the Himalayan territory is getting worse as Indian Army has martyred 10 Kashmiri youth within the span of 3 days and the Government has also revoked Article 370 of the Indian constitution to take over the control of Kashmir, but Anupam Kher seems to enjoy all these killings.

Anupam Kher has been supporting Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India on different events. His wife, Kirron Kher is also a lawmaker for currently ruling BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party).

Anupam Kher had also declared that whatever Indian government is doing in Kashmir is justified.

This post was last modified on December 2, 2019 8:55 pm

Staff Desk

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  • Disgusting that ppl can be happy about the genocide cruelty attrocities n murder of another human. Boycott ALL Indian movies n products !


  • Anupam Kher you have been paid to spew out hatred! Remember you're an actor and this is exactly what they do for money you act!

    Remember one thing this isn't a film where you're acting but you're being a real villain. You well know what happens to all the villains in the end don't you moron?

    You're also close age to leave this temporary life/world and will be facing the judgment day. Remember you can't bribe the real Judge.

    Punishment awaits you patiently and I hope its for eternal!

    I hope God gives you so much pain here and here after!


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