Claiming To Be Annoyed By Adhan, Tunisian Man Viciously Stabs Imam

Claiming To Be Annoyed By Adhan Tunisian Man Viciously Stabs Imam 1
man holding knife in his hand

A Tunisian man stabs an imam because he was annoyed by the sound of his adhan.

A muezzin who is also the imam of a mosque in the city of Mahdia, Tunisia, was stabbed by a Tunisian man. The incident occurred shortly after the victim finished chanting adhan for Maghrib prayer.

Adhan is an Islamic call to prayer consisting of a few words that cover the essence of faith and expresses Islamic practices commonly recited by a muezzin at prescribed times of the day.

The local media reported that the suspect stormed into the mosque before the Maghrib prayer and stabbed the imam in the back. He admitted to committing the crime because he was annoyed by the sound of his adhan.

Fortunately, at that time, the imam was immediately taken to the hospital with a knife still stuck in his back. He had a successful surgery and is currently in a stable condition.

On the other hand, the attacker was arrested by worshipers who were at the mosque at the time of the incident and immediately handed over to the police.

According to the Minister of Religion, Ibrahim Al Shaibi, the perpetrator had an unbalanced psychological state and committed the crime because he was disturbed by the sound of the adhan. He vehemently denied rumors of a real estate dispute between the suspect and the imam.

A similar incident occurred in Afghanistan last month. An unidentified gunman shot dead a cleric imam of a mosque in Behsoud District in East Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, on October 25.

A local official who asked not to be identified said the assailant opened fire on the imam of the Mufti Sayedullah mosque in the Muqam Khan area, resulting in his death on the spot.

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