In this 2 minutes and 41 seconds video clip, the former imam of the Kaaba Adil Al-Kalbani, gives a concise introduction to his position.
‘Combat Field’ zone of Riyadh Season 2021 will be promoted in a promotional film featuring former Kaaba Imam Sheikh Adil bin Salem bin Saeed Al-Kalbani and football stars.
As well as creating an uproar on social media, the former Imam of Kaaba is also being criticized.
Sheikh Adil Al-Kabbani participated in a promotional video that shows soldiers engaging in battle and using weapons of war. 2 minutes and 41-second video clip shows the former Imam of Kaaba making a concise entry.
Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Entertainment shared the video on Twitter via Turki al-Sheikh. The former Kaaba imam Adil al-Kalbani joked below the tweet, “Do you think I can go to Hollywood?”?
Social media users have criticized Sheikh Adil Al-Kalbani after he appeared in the promotional video. When a user said your presence in the video is strange, a person responded in a critical tone, “May God guide you and open your heart.”.
The same Imam of Kaaba was spotted playing cards a few years back.