7 Things All Girls Should Know About Marriage Contract

7 Things All Girls Should Know About Marriage Contract (Nikhah Nama)

The marriage contract is one of those things that we never pay attention to, it is something that all couples should read before getting married.

In the Modern world, women work equally to men and know their rights in society. Women rule in many industries and play an important role in the development of society. But is this enough? Why don’t you struggle to find your rights in your Nikkah Nama?

The reason is we never try to read all the rights of women in Nikkah Nama (Marriage Contract) and others take advantage of it and cancel all the rights in Nikkah Nama without her permission. Islam gave huge respect and rights to a woman for her protection in all eras. Then we should research the rights of women. So here are some rights that are written in the Nikkah Nama:

  1. If you are a working woman and earn money, your husband can’t demand what you are earning from you. It’s up to you, if you want to spend it on your house then you can but if you don’t want to do that then nobody can force you, not even your husband. It’s purely your money and the only person who has the right to it is You.
  2. We see in many cases that a man just gives his wife a small amount of the household expenses. This is definitely not enough. The husband has to pay her additional money for her personal use. And this is mentioned in Nikkah Nama.
  3. When a woman gives birth to your child and after this, she breastfeeds your child. She can demand money for breastfeeding your child from you and Islam gives her permission to do this.
  4. After marriage, although you have all rights to your woman her consent is also necessary. If he doesn’t consider your consent to intimacy it will be marital rape. You can sue him in court.
  5. If you have heritage then there is not your obligation to give anything from your heritage to your husband.
  6. In common marriages we see that girl’s and boy’s parents spend lots of money but in actuality, this is the obligation of the boy. He has to spend all of his marriage. He can spend according to his capacity but just the guy himself.
  7. Islam prohibits the concept of dowry. Man and his family can’t demand a little thing as a dowry or marital gift. If they do so, you can sue them in court.

Islam teaches us about simple marriage.

It’s a very sensitive matter to resolve. We should be aware of each and every content of Nikkah Nama. It’s not about to just sign Nikkah documents. There are also many other rights in the Marriage Contract that every woman and man should know before marriage.

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