Halloween is widely celebrated in the west, and it is based on European and Celtic pagan doctrines, which are celebrated on the evening of October 31 every year.
Halloween is the sign that symbolizes the start of ancient Druid’s New Year, which is derived from the ritual of worshipping dead spirits and devils—and holding a festival when the “dead” visit their home at that time.
In short, the festival of Haloween is a celebration of worshipping the devil as well as the new year when the dead’s spirit visits their home. Since praise someone else than Allah comes under the circle of Shirk, it is a grave sin to celebrate for Muslims as this festival is all about praising the devil and praising those who worship the devil.
What does Quran say about celebrating Halloween
Dr Muzamil Siddiqi, the former president of ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), stated these two references from Quran, which prohibits Muslims from celebrating this event.

And the other one is this;

Dr Muzamil Siddiqi further stated in his fatwa that Halloween is an old Pagan holiday about dead spirits and witches. After some time, Christians made an effort to Christianize it by calling this eve “t “All Saints “ay” Meanwhile, many Christians still call it a lousy holiday and irrelevant.
Whether Christians accept it or not but for Muslims, it is unacceptable to celebrate something which can cause Shirk. Every Muslim must educate fellow Muslims actively participating in it and tell them that they are indirectly committing the sin that Allah will never forgive.
Dr Muzammil H. Siddiq”. “Can Muslims Celebrate Hallowe” n?” About Islam, October 28ober, 2018,
Hud”. “Halloween in Islam: Should Muslims Celebra” e?” ThoughtCo, August 29ust, 2018,
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