As ordinary humans, our feelings can often change; sometimes, we could be happy, excited, calm, or even angry.
In fact, not infrequently, anxiety, worry, fear, and depression dominate the human heart. This will make a person feel restless and uneasy.
These fears and worries can be caused by anything. It could be due to unfinished work, household problems to other potential problems that haven’t happened yet but have made us afraid and worried.
The feeling of anxiety, fear and even depression that almost everyone has ever felt is certainly not a pleasant feeling. Although these feelings are often disturbing, humans cannot be separated from these feelings.
For this reason, Islam, as a perfect and caring religion, recommends when Muslims face mental challenges such as anxiety or depression, simply hope for peace from Allah SWT and reciting dua to get rid of excessive anxiety and fear. This is as explained in Quran Al-Fath: 4.

Therefore, it is recommended for us as Muslims not to get carried away in feeling anxious or even afraid because Islamic teachings have taught us that we can bring peace of mind from Allah SWT through prayers or duas to calm our hearts which can reduce our anxiety and depression.
However, remember that these reassuring prayers or duas are a form of our request to Allah SWT, so it must be accompanied by fortitude and patience.
The following is a dua taught by the Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam that Muslims can recite to reduce anxiety, depression, and other uncomfortable feelings.

Remember that having depression or other mental challenges does not necessarily mean that one does not believe in Allah SWT and His divine decree or because someone has lesser Iman, but rather that if a person relies solely on Allah regardless of the mental challenges he faces, it proves how resolute his faith is.
May Allah always protect us and eliminate the feelings of anxiety and depression from our hearts. Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen.