4 Incidents From The Life of Abu Bakr (R.A.) Will Astonish You

abu bakr ra incidents life

Abu Bakr (R.A.) was the senior companion of the Last Messenger of Allah Muhammad Prophet (PBUH), and he was the first Khalifa of Islam (successor of Muhammad Prophet PBUH).

He was also the first person who accepted Islam upon the invitation given by Muhammad Prophet PBUH); these four incidents from his life will cherish your day;

1. Incident of Milking Goats

After becoming the Kahlifa, He (R.A.) used to milk the widows’ goats in his neighborhood. After being selected as the successor, a widow said, “Now he will not milk our goats.” In reply to this, Abu Bakr (R.A.) said, “No, The caliphate will make no difference; I will milk your goats.

2. Sister’s Stolen Necklace

Upon the conquest of Makkah, horse riders stole the necklace from his sister’s neck. Abu Bakr, upon the people gathered in the mosque, said, “I call for the necklace of my sister in the name of Allah.” He said this line three times, but there was no reply to his question.

After getting no reply, he (R.A.) said, “O sister, reckon upon your necklace as a present to God, for by Allah, there is little honesty among men nowadays.

3. His Immense Love For Muhammad (PBUH)

At one time, he was addressing the last messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Upon Him), he said;

abu bakar to muhammad quote
Source: HomeIslam

4. Abu Bakr (R.A.) and the Jewish Rabbi Slapping

Once, Finhas, a Jewish Rabbi, said to Abu Bakr (R.A) said;

Jewish rabbi abu bakr
Source: Ummah.com

After listening to this, Abu Bakr (R.A.) became outrageous and slapped the Finhas, a Jewish rabbi.

abu bakr to jewish rabbi finhas
Source: Ummah.com

His (R.A.) love and dedication towards Islam and Ummah made him among the top 4 Caliphs selected as the successor; he was the first successor, including Uthman (R.A.), Umar (R.A.), and Ali (R.A.).

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