Reasons Why Muslims Are Boycotting Barbie Movie

A massive muslim boycott of the famous Barbie film is underway because the film is against Islamic values.
FILE PHOTO: Premiere of "Barbie movie" in London
FILE PHOTO: Margot Robbie attends the European premiere of “Barbie” in London, Britain July 12, 2023. REUTERS/Maja Smiejkowska/File Photo

I have loved Barbie since I was a child. Her dolls, shows and stories were more than just entertainment – they were a source of inspiration. They taught me about confidence, creativity, and kindness.

However, despite my love for Barbie and the childhood memories I have of this particular doll, I have decided not to see this movie. I’m not alone in this decision; many Muslims around the world are boycotting the movie for various reasons. Here’s why I’m personally opting out:

  • The film’s portrayal of Barbie as a staunch feminist who challenges conventional gender roles raises concerns for me. While I respect her autonomy, my faith as a Muslim emphasizes the harmonious roles assigned to men and women by Allah. This contrasts with feminist principles, and I believe that Islam’s teachings promote a balance between the sexes that feminism doesn’t take into account.
  • A notable scene in the movie shows Barbie visiting China and coming across a map showing the disputed nine-dash line in the South China Sea. This line, contested by neighboring countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, raises flags for me. It appears to be an endorsement of Chinese territorial claims that have caused tensions. I see this inclusion as a subtle promotion of expansionist policies and territorial disputes that I don’t support.
  • The portrayal of Barbie as a secular character disregards her millions of Muslim fans around the world. As a Muslim, I believe that characters with global influence should reflect the diversity of their audiences, including their beliefs and values. The absence of religious representation feels like a missed opportunity to acknowledge the rich cultural tapestry that makes up Barbie’s fan base.
  • The film’s scenes of Barbie in revealing outfits, romantic interactions with Ken, alcohol consumption, and nightclub dancing raise ethical issues. These instances violate the principles of modesty, purity, and respect that my faith guides me to uphold. Furthermore, I’m concerned that these scenes may inadvertently influence impressionable young Muslim girls to adopt behaviors that are contrary to our values.

While opinions vary within the Muslim community, my decision to skip the new Barbie movie remains firm. It’s based on my commitment to my faith and my identity as a Muslim woman.

The film’s portrayal of feminism, lack of religious representation, and moral content all factor into my decision. I understand that entertainment is subjective, but for me, the movie goes against the core principles that guide my life.

Barbie was once a symbol of empowerment for me; now, her new portrayal is at odds with my values, leading me to opt out of this movie experience.

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