Saudi Arabia Put Selfie Ban In Masjid Al Haram And Masjid An Nabawi

Saudi Arabia Put Selfie Ban In Masjid Al Haram And Masjid An Nabawi

Selfie Ban in Masjid Al Haram as well as in Masjid An Nabawi preventing people taking selfies in these two holy sites located in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Governmental authorities have put a restriction on taking selfies in these two Holy Sites.  Various reports have come out which confirmed the authenticity of this news. Turkey’s Daily Sabah had reported that Saudi Authorities have banned it since November 12th, 2017, whereas on 27th of November 2017 this news was made public by Saudi Authorities, according to Jakarta Post.

This is also explained in a report by ProPakistani that the guards will confiscate the mobile phone if they’re seen taking the pictures.

Saudi Authorities took this steps after emerging a selfie which was taken by a JEW in Makkah! which sparked so much controversy and questions on Saudi Government that how can a Non-Muslim be at a place where Non-Muslims are not allowed. Before that, a video of Turkish Couple promising in front of Kaaba created a great havoc which was indeed wrong in many ways.

A Russian born jew, Ben Tzion was seen standing in front of Kaaba, he has a history of taking selfies in front of historic locations so he came to Saudi Arabia and apparently came into Masjid Al Haram, where the entrance of Non-Muslims are not even possible.

Furthermore, Saudi Authorities stated that Selfies were causing great disturbance to the fellow worshippers. As well as, they sated, Selfie ban was a must step to take as because of taking selfies and making snapchats the real essence of Umrah and Hajj was getting lost.

From now on, taking selfies are strictly prohibited in these two holy sites and everyone belonging to any region of the world has to follow this set of rule to make all umrah and hajj go smoothly.

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