Saudi Arabia Bans Residents Without Hajj Permits from Entering Makkah

makkah city with clock tower
Photo: MrFahadKhan (Instagram)

MAKKAH – The General Directorate of Public Security in Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that residents without entry permits will be turned back from security control points on roads leading to Mecca.

This is in accordance with the instructions for organizing Hajj, which require residents wishing to visit the Holy City to obtain a permit from the appropriate authorities.

The Hajj regulations require vehicles and expatriate residents to return to where they came from, except in the following cases:

  • Those who work in holy places and have entry permits issued by the appropriate authorities.
  • Those who hold a resident’s identity card issued in the holy capital.
  • Those who have an Umrah or Hajj permit.

The General Directorate of Passports has also started receiving applications for issuing entry permits to the Holy Capital electronically for the following:

  • Non-Saudi family members and domestic workers.
  • Workers residing in Holy Capital-based establishments.
  • Holders of seasonal work visas.
  • Contractors working with establishments that are registered in the “Ajeer” system.

The service aims to make procedures easier for beneficiaries by cutting down on time and effort. Domestic workers and non-Saudi family members can obtain permits through the “Absher Individuals” platform, while entry permits to the Holy Capital can be obtained through the electronic “Muqeem” portal for all agencies.

The Hajj season is one of the world’s largest annual gatherings, and Saudi Arabia takes extensive precautions to ensure pilgrims’ safety and security. These measures include a ban on residents who do not have entry permits.

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