Jeddah: A web page created by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia has been blocked by Qatar.
The webpage helped Hajj pilgrims to get knowledge about their passport, accommodation, and information about Hajj and all.
But, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia has issued a new link, where they can browse packages and go for Hajj.
Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia has asked Qatar not to block the newly created website as they blocked the other webpage and further said that Doha is trying to politicize sacred Hajj and should not discourage people from performing Hajj.
It is also ensured that Saudi Arabia is welcoming and facilitating Qatari hajj pilgrims who are landing in the kingdom.
Dua to political row, a rumor was making rounds around the world that say Saudi Arabia had banned Qatari pilgrims to perform Hajj, but then Saudi Arabia clarified that Qatari Pilgrims can perform Hajj.