A New Camera Installed at Rawdah in the Prophet’s Mosque

A camera is installed in the Rawdah at the Prophet’s mosque. The aim is to provide a virtual view of the holy place.
New Camera Installed at Rawdah

The camera will provide a view of the Rawdah for those who cannot travel to Madinah.

Saudi Arabia has installed a camera. This camera will now present the view of the Rawdah of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. Rawdah is the holiest place. It is a site close to the hearts of Muslims. The Rawdah is within Madinah’s Prophet’s Mosque. It’s seen as a piece of Paradise.

The beloved messenger of Allah once stood here, delivering sermons. His sermons contained Islamic teachings which are preserved till today even after 1400 years. Today, technology grants a clearer view of this sacred area.

Hujrah camera 1
Camera at the Hujarah inside Masjid an-Nabawi.
Hujrah Camera View
View from the camera.

This camera provides a unique glimpse into the Holy Prophet’s resting Hujrah. It is the same place where is buried with companions Abu Bakr and Umar. The goal of this camera is to enhance the visitor experience at this spiritual site.

The camera’s introduction has been well-received. Individuals have appreciated this initiative It offers a virtual connection to those far from Madinah. An online feed will soon bring the Rawdah’s serenity to believers worldwide.

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