Mufti Menk sparked controversy after performing nikah of a pro-Indian politician during Kashmir visit

mufti menk in Kashmir

During his two-day visit to Kashmir, prominent Muslim theologian Mufti Ismail sparked controversy after a viral video on social media showed Menk performing the nikah of a pro-India politician, Yawar Mir. Not only that, in the event held in Srinagar, he also gave a subsequent khutba and was seen sitting with a group of pro-India politicians.

Mir is a former legislator and the son of former legislator and senior pro-India politician Mohammad Dilawar Mir.

The Zimbabwean scholar, followed by millions on his social media, shared this news via Instagram the day before his visit last week.

But, of course, his solemnisation of the nikah of a pro-India politician quickly sparked controversy on social media.

A Twitter user argued that Menk, a Mufti (cleric) and is followed by millions of people for his Muslimness, has a responsibility to respect Islamic teachings. So, if he sits with murderers of Muslims, then he should be called out.

Mufti Menk with pro Indian politicians in Kashmir

Shafa’at Wani, a researcher and scholar at Jamilia Islamia University in Delhi, conveyed the message that the Minister should have known that his presence at the ceremony was highly controversial and that it was used as a tool to wash off the blood that this collaborator had on his hands.

Another Twitter user named Abdul Hameed Lone thinks this is a big injustice for the oppressed people of #Kahmir to see our most vibrant Mufti went to Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, joining the killers of the Kashmir people instead of raising the issue of human rights violations that occurred.

StandWithKashmir, an advocacy group based in Washington, said that Menk entered and added to the list of Muslim scholars who remain oblivious or intentionally ignore the suffering of the occupied people.

Muzammil Ayyub Thakur, president for the world Kashmir Free Movement, said that his speeches on #Uyghur, #Palestinian & #Rohingya are a waste if he is part of a company that contributes to the destruction of Muslims and #Kahmir. Ignorance is no excuse, especially for a Mufti like him.

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