In New Delhi, at Chand Patti village of Uttar Pradesh’s Azamgarh district, a large portion of a madrassa building that was used to impart modern education and Islamic was destroyed. It was destroyed at the end of December 2020. On order given by the High Court of Allahabad.
The chief of Madrassa Abdul Azeem Falahi said while speaking with the Muslim mirror that the destroyed part included a library, and the Islamic seminar had 23 rooms, which are only four now.
The Darsgah Islami Madrassa was smashed after Mohammad Ali, who belongs from the same village associated with BJP. He moved the Allahabad HC against which he described as an illegal structure. He declined to backtrack even though he had some attempts by people in the village.
This institution is co-educational till class 5. From grade 6 to 10, it is all-girls.
Since 1950 the madrassa has been there. Firstly, it was in a Maktab (Islamic elementary school. In Uttar Pradesh, During chakbandi or land consolidation exercise in the 1970s. The madrassa management urged the government officials to provide some land to expand the premises.
In 2016, the problem started when Mohammad Ali requested against expending the madrassa on land registered in Allahabad HC as a sports ground.
The SDM”s verdict was challenged by Mohammad Ali in the Azamgarh district magistrate (SDM) court, who decided against the school in October 2019.
Moreover, Ali was urged to withdraw his case through several means. He was even offered to take the madrassa management by himself, but Ali did not have enough budget.
The high court forwarded the matter to the Sagari Tehsil, who rules the village, to look into it. However, the ‘tehsildar’ or the sub-divisional magistrate (SDM) gave the school verdict.