French President Says He Won’t Condemn The Depiction of Prophet Muhammad

french president macron

Emmanuel Macron, the French President, defended the decision formed by Charlie Hebdo Magazine to publish the blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) again, by stating that they have freedom of belief and freedom of expression

However, Macron stated that it was incumbent over the French nationals to maintain civility and respect for their brothers, and avoid hatred dialogues, on Tuesday.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that a president cannot pass judgment over the editorial choice of any newsroom or journalist because the press maintains freedom.

This famous french magazine is again publishing offensive caricatures which sparked hate and a wave of anger among the Muslim community, to note the start of the trail of the main accomplices in the attack by militant against it, in 2015.

Many of the cartoons were initially published in 2005 by the Danish newspaper and then later a year by Charlie Hebdo.

Editor Laurent Sourisseau shared “We Will never lie down. We won’t give up” in a news to show on the front page that published on Wednesday, in print.

Including some cartoonists of the magazine, 12 people were killed when Said and Cherif Kouachi disrupted Charlie Hebdo’s Paris offices and covered their building with automatic gunfire.

A gunman and the Kouachi brothers killed over 5 people in 48 hours that followed the massacre of Charlie Hebdo, were shot by the police in a variety of stand-offs. However, on Wednesday, 14 of their alleged accomplices will go on trial.

This move to again publish such offensive cartoons will be observed by some a defiant act with regards to free expression.

However, others may observe it as a renewed provocation done by a magazine that maintains a controversy by attacking religion by its satirical move.

For us, the Muslims, any form of the depiction of the Prophet (PBUH) is blasphemous.

Featured Image by CapX

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