Far-Right Leader Tears Up Quran at Anti-Turkey Protest in Netherlands

Dutch far-right activist Edwin Wagensveld of the Pegida movement ripped the Quran in The Hague, Netherlands.
Far Right Leader Edwin Wagensveld
Photo: ANP / AFP

THE HAGUE – A wave of shock and condemnation gripped the Hague on Friday, as a demonstration led by Dutch far-right activist Edwin Wagensveld took a disturbing turn outside the Turkish embassy.

The controversial focal point of the protest involved Wagensveld, who leads the Dutch arm of the far-right Pegida movement, tearing apart a copy of the Qur’an. The audacious act has set off a firestorm of criticism, rekindling the ongoing debate over the limits of freedom of expression versus religious respect.

This led to a chaotic situation when the outraged counter-protesters couldn’t hold back their anger, leading some to throw stones. The scene escalated into chaos, compelling approximately 20 police officers to swiftly intervene to restore order.

Well before the demonstration commenced, the Dutch government had expressed its disapproval, recognizing the balance required to uphold the right to protest while safeguarding public order. Notably, authorities maintained that they held no legal authority to prevent the demonstration from proceeding.

Dilan Yesilgoz, the Netherlands’ justice minister of Turkish heritage, vehemently denounced the act as “fairly primitive and pathetic.” Although she openly criticized Wagensveld’s actions, she acknowledged that the nation’s legal framework allowed for such protests, regardless of their deeply provocative nature.

This isn’t Wagensveld’s first brush with controversy. Presently, he faces ongoing legal proceedings stemming from statements made during a similar demonstration back in January.

During that event, he publicly defiled a Qur’an outside the parliament, shamelessly likening the revered Holy book to Adolf Hitler’s infamous manifesto, “Mein Kampf.” His attire during the recent rally, including a blatantly incendiary T-shirt, only served to echo these sentiments.

Moreover, one other leading figure of the PVV Party Geert Wilders backed Pegida’s act on social media, thus becoming a part of the distressing events taking place throughout Europe.

The recent incidents serve as a reminder of the effect of religious provocation with similar incidents taking place worldwide thus triggering anger in Muslim-majority nations.

In response to similar acts involving the disrespect of the Qur’an in various parts of Europe, Sweden’s intelligence agency recently escalated its terrorism alert level.

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