Mufti Menk Has A Beautiful Lecture For 10 Days Of Dhul Hijjah

Mufti Menk Has A Beautiful Message For 10 Days Of Dhul Hijjah

Mufti Menk gave a beautiful yet very important lecture to tell the significance of how to utilize the best ten years of Dhul Hijjah.

Mufti Menk also mentioned a hadith which says there are no days in the years but these ten days when Allah loves every good deed and rewards twice.

Mufti Menk also says that one should keep praying during these days and the best way to thank Allah is by making Salah.

Furthermore, Mufti Menk also asks people to do more such as Voluntary goods like Charity, Fasting and reciting Quran, and helping others. And Make immense dua for those in suffering.

Watch this beautiful lecture.

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