The water cycle or hydrological cycle is a cycle of condensation or evaporation that controls the distribution system of water on earth.
In this cycle, the journey of water is described as starting when water molecules move from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere and back again, in some cases to below the surface.
This gigantic cycle, powered by energy from the sun, was not discovered by modern researchers until 100 years ago.

However, long before that, the Qur’an has already scientifically explained all the facts related to the water cycle and descending of rains, precisely since 1400 years ago.
We can see it from several verses in the Qur’an, which clearly explain the journey of water in the water cycle that now has been proven true by scientific studies conducted by modern researchers nowadays. Here are verses in the Qur’an that explain each part of the water cycle.
Surah An-Naba’ Verse 13

This first verse refers to the sun, a shining lamp of extremely intense heat. This verse explains the importance of the sun as the driver of the aquatic cycle due to its function, which can spread the heat and light needed to evaporate water in the water cycle and explain the form of the wind.
Surah Al-Hijr Verse 22

The verse in this surah describes the second driver of the water cycle, which is the wind.
The role of wind in the water cycle is also considered important because without wind the water cycle will not be able to run as it should.
Wind plays a role in increasing the rate of liquid water turning to water vapour in the air.
The same surah and verse also describe that only Allah can have the power to store water. Water that falls when it rains will be stored in the ground for a very long time, but by the grace of Allah, the water stored in the ground will not be damaged even if it is stored for hundreds of years.
On the other hand, the water we store even for a few days will still be spoiled. We really are not the owner of it.
In this verse, Allah also explains that after evaporating, water will be condensed in the form of clouds which are later fertilized by winds that will result in the falling of rain from the sky, which can significantly benefit human life on earth.
Surat An-Nur Verse 43

In this verse, Allah explains to us that high thick clouds are responsible for the formation of rain and ice.
Surah Az-Zumar Verse 21

This verse explains that Allah sends water (rain) that falls from the sky to penetrate the earth and appear as water-springs that produce different colourful plants that eventually turn yellow over time.
This dry plant will become dry and damaged pieces that can turn into oil over hundreds of years which will undoubtedly be another benefit for human life.
Surah Al-Mu’minun Verse 18

This verse contains the word “in due”, which refers to discipline and regulation, this is in line with the opinion of scientists who discovered the fact that all operations in the water cycle work according to very regular and constant physical laws.
Surah Furqan Verse 53

This verse explains the most important part of the water cycle, what is happening at the mouth (where rivers flow in seas) that if rivers do not flow water into the ocean, the sea will dry up.
This occurred in the Aral Sea, where the water supply from two rivers was interrupted by humans, causing the sea to become empty.
Surah Al-Mursalat Verse 27

This verse explains that mountains have a significant role in the rain, cloud formation and water purification.
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