
Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Dream? This Is What It Means

Have you ever saw Prophet Muhammad PBUH in dream? And confused about the interpretation of that dream? Here we help you decode that dream.

As in a hadith Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that whoever sees him in a dream, that it is true that it is him as Devil can not take his form in any way.

Abu Hurairah RA said that whoever sees Prophet PBUH, they should not get sad, they should be happy that they got the chance of a lifetime to see him in their lifetime.

Meaning of seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Dream

If you have seen Prophet Muhammad PBUH in your dream, it shows that your life is on a positive path. If a person is facing hardships and he or she sees him (PBUH) in dream, it shows that happiness will be on their doorstep real soon. If that person is in debts, the debts will be paid soon, if he is facing any kind of problem, that problem will be gone forever.

There are different situations in a dream where you can see Prophet Muhammad PBUH. So here are those different situations and interpretations of the dreams.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH in an unhappy mood in your dream?

This shows that your Iman is weak and you’re doing Biddah (Biddah is the concepts that were added by people after Islam was completed).

Seeing people calling for Muhammad PBUH in your dream

It means your city will be flourished.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in sickness in your dream

It shows that the faith of that person is weak.

Seeing Prophet Muhmmad PBUH in a Calm mood or in the mosque in your dream

It shows that Allah will shower his blessings onto you.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH in a country in your dream

It shows that the country where you have to see him (PBUH) will be flourished. And the enemy of that country will be eliminated.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH without a body part in your dream

It shows that you do not have faith, also known as Faithlessness. And the body part that you see reduced shows that the person has no faith.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH distributing dry fruits in your dream

It shows that your faith is strong.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH in an angry mood in your dream

This is indeed not a good sign. It means that Prophet Muhammad PBUH is angry with that person.

Seeing the funeral of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in your dream

As per Abdullah bin Abbas, if someone sees the funeral of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in their dream it is a sign that the country of that person will face difficulties. If Prophet PBUH seen walking behind the funeral it shows the Biddah happening in Islam.

Only faithful people can see Prophet Muhammad PBUH in their dream

Ibn Sirin claims that Prophet Muhammad PBUH only visits the people (in their dreams) who are faithful. In dreams, Prophet Muhammad PBUH tells about the blessings and warns about the bad things one is currently down.

NOTE: all the interpretation we told you in this article is being taken from the book “A concise guide for the interpretation of Dreams” which is written by Mohammad Bin Sirin.

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This post was last modified on July 15, 2024 4:44 pm

Haniya Hassan

Haniya is a business graduate from York University and an Islamic Information news correspondent.

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  • Assalamu Alaykum wrb
    I've dreamt of Nabi Muhammad S. A. W.
    And would like the interpretation please, if possible

    I was in my house and sitting with a baby on my lap and talking to a woman who came to visit me.. She looked so pious and was dressed like it as well. Then, he SAW came to sit next to me wearing his meccan garb.

    He opened up the Holy Quran and spoke to me about it, especially pointing out husbands.
    He showed me by pointing with his index finger. Then my youngest son ran to me after he hurt his head outside, then the Holy Prophet Muhammad pbuh put his blessed hand on Zayds head and told me, he will be fine IA

    Please can you explain what it means?

    • SubhanAllah, that is a beautiful dream. The interpretation of this dream is that Prophet Muhammad PBUH loves your family. And by "opening Quran" he meant' to keep reading Quran as it will protect you and your kids and home.

  • What about seeing the prophet when He is a battle field and seeing him when He is in the desert

    • Sub hanna allah I also saw him in the desert but he was on camel and there were people with him by his side and I was just looking at him

  • Assalamu alaykum. i had dreams seeing the moon. What does that mean ? also being told in a dream by my father that the Prophet S.A.W. sent him to me then relied a message while holding a paper with arabic writing? dream of going to visit the prophet S.A.W'S GRAVE and found a man with a black cloak standing with his back that i can see. he was not facing me. and also dream of going high up in the sky and see a man sitting on a chair reading with another man walking up and down by him. who told me that all our deeds goes to the S.A.W. who will review then first then send to Allah. THEN Allah will respond to us. can you please help me with these dreams. Jazaakum Allah khairan.

  • I once saw probhet Muhammad(may peace of Allah be upon him) in my dream he was asking me to help the people of that village or the town where I saw him I didn't remember his face but it was somewhat like how i have had read about him. And today I saw a vdo in which they were telling that how could be the look of his house ,the well, the trees and a street in which at the end I have to save them or help them from something or someone. I did not understand this. Please help me. I actually like helping people in need.
    But I am really very confuse was that really my brain's imagination or what????
    After that I saw an angel like jibrael or other in my dream who was also aking me to help someone and was himself helping me I did not remember the whole dream but it was alike....
    Help me!!

  • assalamu alaikum,i had two dream about prophet muhammad S. A. W. i am just confused am i really see him or not bcz i am a sinful person.
    my first dream was,(i am from bangladesh) in waz mahfil stage there was standing my father and he is so happy i didn't see him that happy before, beside him someone sitting on a sofa chair.i was asking some audience member who is he? someone said that, he is prophet muhammad (peace be upon him).
    my second dream about prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) was last night,i see 3 ya 4 jewish guy go to prophet muhammad (sm) grave they want to hoist prophet't body from there.when they digging prophet muhammad (sm) came out alive from grave.when jewsh guys see that they shocked and fainted.every muslim going to see him i also going,we are so happy.when we went there i see people surrounded prophet (sm) i was worried i can see him or not.then i see him and i recognize him bcz i dreamed him before.and prophet muhammad (sm) also saw me.he was doing zikr la ilaha illallah.he has thick beard kind face and long thin nose but nose head was slightly curved down.
    now i don't know i really see him or not,pls help

  • Asalamaleikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,

    I wanted to ask about a dream I had .
    It was after fajir .
    I dreamt of talking to the prophet SAW
    I didn’t not see him but just talked through a window .
    He just told me to make sure the funeral that I go to no one should gossip .
    And after that in my dream went to a funeral and women were gossiping but I told them all we should read the Quran .
    What does this dream mean , or could it be shaytan playing with my head

  • Assalamu alaykum , I'm much confused of my dream. So can you please help me. It had happened 2 years before , I'm having this confusion for a long time. I had asked all who could help me, but unfortunately I couldn't find a better response from any one. Let me explain......

    Location was in my old school. School was dismissed earlier due to recognition of qiyamah (end of world). Some arabic statementes where hearing all around, I dont know from where the sound was comig.
    I was searching fir my best friend yaseen I told him to take care and when left him after conversation I noticed a strange creature went inside our schools physical education room. I followed it and entered the room. It was much darker, I couldn't see any thing. Suddenly i heard a sound and I noticed a sword in my hand suddenly. Suddenly i came to know that it was a creature came to kill nabi S.W .
    I tried to kill the creature but even if i had hitted on its face several time it never died.
    It was too dark. Suddenly some on get up from th chair and took an great big sword from his sword holder. As he had taken th sword light began to spread all over the room. When i looked there was a table and nabi S.W was sitting on oneside and 5 other swahabah were sitting around th table. I don't know who those 5 where.
    But I think the one who hand taken the sword was ghaleefa Umar bin khathab (R). Nabi S.W was teaching hadith to those 5 members, so he never loked anywhere, was concentrated on teaching.
    The strange creature was dissapeared and i had never notice when does it disappeared.
    Then suddenly I woke up nabi S.W hasn't spoke anything to me.
    My confusion is, is it true or not, because even if i know it was him, I'm not sure it was he, because I dont know if had seen his face in that dream.
    He was wearing a pure white dress and his face were glowing brighter, I think the light that spread all around the room was because of his glow.
    So please help me what this means.

    • dear even if you get a slight feeling that you have seen the prophet your dream is entirely true as shaytan cannot imitate the holy prophet PBUH. You might be selected for a noble cause and if you didn't have any interaction with the prophet then it means that you have less faith right may be a sign of increasing your faith but keep in mind if you saw the 5 sahaba and the holy prophet PBUH then be ready for the future challenges make sure that you are always doing good deeds if you want to contact me then comment down your number if you have Whatsapp I may contact you. may ALLAH gave you the strength and courage to do good deeds Ameen.

  • aoa
    i saw prophet pbuh in my dream not actually but that i was in my school and it felt like we were from the same time when prophet pbuh used to be alive i was standing in the assembly ground very sad and suddenly began to cry,i thought in my heart now that prophet pbuh had passed away our ummah will be in allot danger and will choose the wrong way . then i hold the dead body of prophet pbuh in my arms which was covered with a long cloth i glanced at his face which was also covered with a cloth but i could see the outlining of his lips from the cloth then i put him in a box that was supposed to be his funeral and began to lose hope and started crying.
    please i want the interpretation of this dream.

  • I had a dream of Nabi Muhammad S.A.W and people were around him and there was police who would grab him and put him into jail. That was all the dream. Any clues what could that mean???

    • My interpretation is that, it means Islam will grow and more will follow Muhammad SAW but the ignorant and corrupt people will fight against Islam and try to make sure it never prevails as a growing religion and will fight and try to deny it in every possible way they can

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