Facts about Riaz Ul Jannah that you must know before visiting Masjid an Nabawi next time. These are some of the facts that every Muslim should keep in mind.
1. What is Riaz ul Jannah

The center of Masjid an Nabawi is considered Riaz ul Jannah. It is considered the most auspicious location inside Masjid an Nabawi. The area is segregated for men and women as shown in the map below.
2. Riaz ul Jannah Map

Many people get confused about the map of Riaz ul-Jannah, so we at The Islamic Information have provided a completed map that shows every way that leads to the location.
3. Riaz Ul Jannah timing for Females
It is not open for ladies during the daytime. The times to visit this place are different for both men and women. Women can visit this place after Fajr, Duhr, and Isha Prayer. The gate for it opens differently for men and women.
4. Dua for Riaz Ul Jannah

People usually message us about the dua they should recite while visiting this. There is no such dua to recite while visiting this place. But our Prophet Muhammad PBUH would have been always keen to pray and make dua at this place.
5. It is one of the Gardens of Jannah

6. Green Carpet in Masjid Nabawi

You will see the red carpet in Masjid an Nabawi but the area of Riaz ul Jannah is carpeted with Green carpet inside Masjid an Nabawi. This area is called Rawdah green carpet area.
7. Entering Riaz Ul Jannah
There are two main gates of Riaz ul Jannah, and You can visit it during Tahajjud time, as well as you can visit this place from 8 am to 10 am as it is less crowded.
8. Prayers are always accepted at Riaz al Jannah
Prayers made in this place is never rejected by Allah SWT. This is the reason this place is so crowded all the time.
9. It is a piece of Jannah in Madinah

It is called the piece of Jannah on Earth. Muslims try to offer two rakats for forgiveness. And one prayer is equal to 1,000 times offering prayer.
10. More things you should know about it
Visiting this place is not a prerequisite of Hajj or Umrah, so in case if you find this place crowded or you are unable to visit then there is no problem. Just make dua that you get a chance to see this place. Because most of the people usually hurry and that causes havoc.
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