10 Judgement Day Signs That Have Already Come True

These signs have already came true!
Judgement Day Signs come true islam

Judgment Day signs are coming near us as we move forward. These are the signs that already have come true in modern times, and we are shocked to tell you that the final hours are very near!

Year by year the prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) on the approach of the day of judgment are proving to be true. The prophet said:

  • As reported by Ibn Abbas (R.A), to Allah to grant us Barakah in our food in the Northern and Southern parts of this region (countries of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, etc.) and when one of the companions questioned about Iraq, he said that Iraq is the place where the Fitna will commence. Today, this prophecy, proved to be true.
  • That the Arabian Peninsula will blossom again in Tab’uuk near the well, and today there are indeed gardens in the middle of Tab’uuk where the well was.
  • People will be so wealthy that nobody will take the Zakat.
  • That severe winters, summers, and disasters will occur such that we will have no crops. Indeed! As we speak, floods and droughts are becoming common, affecting negatively the amount and quality of the product.
  • As reported by Abu Huraira (R.A), “When trust has been lost, then wait for the hour” which means as time goes by, there will be progressively fewer trustworthy people on Earth. Cheating, Deception, and Theft are now common in modern society.
  • People who will lead the most powerful countries will no longer know where Iraq is.
  • All nations will attack Muslims just like wolves attacking meat, currently termed as “Islamophobia”
  • People will commit adultery but will recognize that this is a shameful act to do in public.
  • People will no longer worry whether whatever they are doing is permissible or not. Riba will be eaten by everybody.
  • People will have whips like the tail of the ox and will whip each other as manifested as “BDSM

This Video explains the Judgement Day Signs that we have already seen!

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