This Is What Islam Says About Doing Job At A Bank

This Is What Islam Says About Doing Job At A Bank
Photo Credits: PEXELS

Bank Job is one of the most discussed topics in the Islamic context. We recently discussed Car Insurance as per Islamic views, and today we will talk about the Bank Job.

Islam is based on purity, and purity comes from halal. Islam said if you earn halal, you will never be dissatisfied with your life. But the thing is, how to earn halal if you work in a bank? Is bank job halal or haram? So okay, let’s discuss it. 

So as we know that there are two types of banking conventional banking and Islamic banking. In the whole world, most traditional banks are working. Islamic banking exists in Muslim countries. But here, we will not discuss non-Muslim.

Conventional banking is based on interest. They share profit with their clients. They have different rules and regulations as compared to the Islamic banks. So when you do the job in the conventional bank, your task will be writing of interest, managing the interest amount, delivering the interest amount. Then you get a salary with interest.

Many people justify this job by saying that they receive the salaries of their hard work and dedication; these wages can’t be considered interest. Still, all these people forget that Allah says:

Any person who write, manage the interest is also considered to be in haram thing. 

So think about it you did all things in a bank then how your would be halal or you would earn halal? 

So now, if we talk about Islamic banking. They work on a non-interest basis. They work on a profit and loss sharing basis. If they suffer loss, then they distribute it among all and same in case of profit. They are interest-free, so if you work on an Islamic bank, your job would be halal, and you will earn a halal salary. All Muslims should try to work with Islamic banks because the bank system is also very important for the country’s economy. 

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