As April Fool’s Day approaches, many people use “lie” to make “fun” of another person. Making them fools is completely against Islam!
In Islam, the last prophet of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH), was known for his truthfulness and has been named “Muhammad, the trustworthy.”. Lying, is considered one of the major sins in Islam, and it is labeled as one of the things that one should not do.
We often see people lying to make other people fools on April Fool’s Day, which is completely against Islam. Islam does not suggest using deception to make other people fall for anything. Even the Muslims, use “LIE” to celebrate this day, the celebration of this day is simply a way of neglecting the teachings of Allah and his last prophet.
Not just on this day, we also often lie to save ourselves or to make someone happy, but indirectly, we are silently letting this lie eat up all of our good deeds and making it difficult for us to enter Jannah.
In the last sermon, Muhammad SAWW said he had completed this deen (religion). Throughout his life, he never lied and prohibited all people from lying. And by celebrating this day, we kind of deny what our prophet commanded us to do!
What does Hadith say about the celebration of April Fools’ Day?
Muhammad Prophet (PBUH) was a man of TRUTH, he never lied. Because, in many hadiths, he declared that a person should never lie, even if it is for good. It’s better to hurt with truth rather than comforting with a lie!

What does the Quran say about the celebration of April Fool’s Day?
“Surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.” (Surah az-Zumar 39:3)
May Allah guide all Muslims on the right path and save us from everything that He (Allah) dislikes, ameen.
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