World’s Largest Umbrella is going to be
Facts About World’s Largest umbrella in Masjid al Haram

1. The Size of Umbrella
Each umbrella will be having at least 45 meters in height and will weight around 16 tons. It will be covering the area of 2,400 sq. meters to share the Kaaba. Which will shade a big portion around the holy Kaaba inside Masjid Al Haram.

A total of 8 umbrellas with a size of 53×53 will be installed in the Grand Mosque, and these are not just ordinary Umbrellas, they’re equipped with high technology. Altogether, these umbrellas will cover an area of 19,200 sq. meters.
2. The work has started in 2019
The work has aready been started to build world’s largest umbrella, Each of umbrella’s canopies will have a giant clock so the visitors can see time, as well as it will be having screens to guide the worshippers.
3. A giant Air Condition!
Air conditions will maintain the temperature and will also be having security cameras for security purposes.

This project also includes 122 benches so people can sit and rest on them.
4. Similarity with Umbrellas in Masjid An Nabawi
These Umbrellas will be similar to the Umbrellas installed in Madinah.
The umbrellas are programmed to open like a flower. And also added a delay one one minute so they do not collide with each other while folding. And the folding of these umbrellas will be completely silent.
What do you think of this latest addition to the Masjid Al Haram, drop your opinions in the comment box below, so we can have your view on this matter.
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